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Contaminants Eau Santé

You wish to follow an original and multidisciplinary training

covering the major issues of water quality?

Do you want to acquire skills in the tools for monitoring contaminants in aquatic environments, the means of assessing their impact on the quality of the resource and the management of the associated environmental and health risks?

Then this training is for you!



Each year, the course trains water quality specialists who integrate the functions of:

  • Study manager in a water control laboratory,

  • Project manager in environmental design offices,

  • Study manager in health agencies or water quality service in a public or private structure,

  • Consultant in health/environmental risk assessment of chemical substances and products,

  • Researchers,

  • Teacher-researchers

According to your desires, a springboard to:

- The professional world
This course is open to work-study programs, via an apprenticeship contract (CFA, cfa@ or a professionalization contract (SFC UM). More information on our pageAlternation
- Engineering
Any student in the first year of a master's degree in the CES course and any student in the 2nd year of the School of Engineering of Mines d'Alès can apply for the double degree between the Master's degree in Water Sciences and the School of Engineering of Mines d'Alès. 'Alès MI2E and RISC course.

The selection is made on file.
- International
The CES course also offers an opportunity for a double degree with the University of Barcelona, as part of the Master Agua: the student completes his end-of-year internship for M1 and S3 at the University of Barcelona, and thus validates a double degree of the Master Water of the University of Montpellier and the Master Agua of the University of Barcelona (Spanish Castilian language)
- The research

Any student of the water master can take the competition for the GAIA doctoral school (and other doctoral schools) in order to obtain a thesis grant.

Terms of access

The Health Water Contaminants specialty is open:

- to students holding an L3 diploma or equivalent in the
fields of biology, microbiology, chemistry or
environment, or justifying skills compatible with
the disciplinary fields of training,
- to employees in continuous training after validation of acquired knowledge

The student will have to submit his application file via the application find my master for the M1 and ecandidat of the website of  the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Montpellier for the M2 (see page Candidacy).


Helene Fenet

University of Montpellier (teacher)


Tel: +33 (0)4 11 75 94 16

Frederique Courant

Montpellier University(HDR Lecturer)


Tel: +33 (0)4 11 75 94 14



Lorrain Flower

University of Montpellier (Education Manager)


Tel: +33 (0)4 11 75 93 16

  • Chaine de la Fac des Sciences

Montpellier University,
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet

Tel: 04 67 14 90 33

©2020 Master of Water Sciences University of Montpellier

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